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Declaring 2018 The Year of Authenticity

Pastor Kent A. Jacob

"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31,32

Our ministry has declared 2018 The Year of Authenticity. We desire to see authentic disciples of Christ; holding to the Truth of God's Word and having an earnest desire to truly experience a genuine move of the Spirit of God.

Many in the "church" have willing accepted and found contentment in artificial Christianity, false representations of God, counterfeit manifestations of gifts, cheap grace and ingenuine love. Pseudo apostles and prophets have risen up, giving life to seducing spirits. They use deception and manipulation as mechanisms of exploitation. Charismatic witchcraft has become common place in evangelical Christianity and post-modernism has been integrated into the culture of the church, to create a new church era called the Post Modern Church. The line of demarcation between the Church and the World has become so faint that it is almost impossible to distinguish between the two.

Somehow, over time, the Apostles’ doctrine that was once the foundation of Christianity, seems to be long forgotten.

To a large extent, the evidence of Christianity in the world today has become unattractive and even repulsive, to those genuinely seeking truth. Many "Christians" present a form of godliness, but they deny the power of God. This is evidenced through their character, attitude, personality, habits and behaviour that bears no resemblance to Christ.

We are, however, called to be conformed to the image of Christ. We are required to be guided by the Spirit of God if we are to truly benefit from the promises of God. We must hold fast to solid teachings that conform to the Word of God, which is the Truth.

We therefore heed the call of our Saviour and Lord to continue in His Word. In doing so we shall become authentic disciples of Christ. It is our opinion that we are still in a time where the Father seeks those who would worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. There is a need for us to put away the manmade traditions and extra-biblical doctrines, and return to the Truth of God's Word. Indeed, being Christlike is still the goal of all authentic disciples.

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