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Principles of Prayer

Good morning friend. I have an important question to ask you this morning. Have you considered prayer as a priority in your life? Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer while he was earth and He taught His disciples to pray. But many of us have not been able to spend quality time in prayer.

In Matthew chapter 6 from verse 9, Jesus gave His disciples a pattern for prayer. It was not so much a prayer to be repeated as it was a prayer to be understood, and then from the understanding of the pattern, they were to apply to principles, of that prayer, to communicate with God.

The first principle of Prayer that is contained in Jesus’ model is that we approach God, on the basis of relationship: “Our Father”. He is our Heavenly Father and it is through prayer that we have communion with Him. Consider for a moment you entering into the very throne room and communing with the true and living God, the maker of the heavens and the earth, as your Father. This is amazing and should be sufficient to draw us to pray constantly.

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