Today we begin a new series, looking at a few little statements that can have a tremendous impact on our interpersonal relationships, as well as our relationship with the Lord.
“Thank You”. With these precious little words you express gratitude for receiving something you appreciate and recognition to the person who has given you the things you value.
There are times that the tone of our “Thank You” may exhibit sarcasm. In these instances the message conveyed is not one of gratitude or gratefulness, but rather disdain and disgust.
When genuinely expressed, however, your “Thank You” can convey sincere appreciation and recognition. These words would strum a delightful tune in the hearers’ heart and they are encouraged to repeat their action.
Evangelical Christian Pastor and Author – Chuck Swindoll made a statement about gratitude that I really like. He said “Gratitude is a decision of the will, and if a decision of the will, the choice resides squarely with us. Deciding to be thankful is no easy task. It takes work.”
Gratitude is not only expressed in words. Even though our verbal “Thank You” is absolutely necessary, it would have greater worth and impact when it is back by behaviours and attitudes that evidence our gratefulness. Ingratitude has been defined as forgetfulness of, or poor return for, kindness received. So when we behave as though we have forgotten the contributions others have made in our lives, or we fail to reciprocate with kind actions, we make a loud statement in relation to how grateful we are to people who have been good to us.
The same is true in our response to God. Many of us act as though all we have accomplished in life is exclusively because of our own effort and hard work. We somehow forget that it is the grace of God that has facilitated our success. Our failure to appropriately recognise Him in our lives, is evidence our ungratefulness, despite what we may say.
The Bible is replete with passages that calls us to give thanks to God. “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” (Ps 136:1) “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” ( 1 Thess. 5:18). Let us express sincere gratitude to God for grace and goodness towards us. Stop what you are doing lift your hands before your heavenly Father and say, Thank You, Lord!