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Pastor Kent A. Jacob

An Awesome Privilege

There is an old saying, all good things must come to an end. And so, our short trip to Kisii had to come to an end. Both Renee and I have been thoroughly moved by what God has decided to do with us and the amazing turn of events on this trip. This visit has left such an indelible mark on both of us, that the people of Gucha have found a fixed place in our hearts. So although the trip has ended, this is actually the beginning of something beautiful.

Our ministry, Covenant Life Transformation Ministries International, would now have a presence on the other side of the world. We are to provide mentorship, ministry oversight, spiritual guidance and support to the Life Gospel Church Centre and children’s home.

Even though they are set to receive teachings and guidance from us, I think that there is a lot that we can learn from the people of Kisii. I have seen a level of contentment, in the midst of their lack, that we, in the West, can definitely emulate. They have so little, yet they are pleased to have what they have. Many of us have so much and yet we demand and require so much more. A precious sister from our church who has seen some of the videos and followed these posts, rightly sated, “Just looking at them and seeing their level of contentment with what they have, because that is what they know, is a valuable lesson for me also.” I think these sentiments would be echoed by anyone who truly witnesses how these wonderful people live their lives.

Another interesting observance made, is that although the people have such great needs, they have not sought to itemized things that they require. Everyone one requested basically one thing — prayer. “Pray that God would help us”. “Pray that God would protect us”. “Pray that God…” I find it really inspiring, to see that there is so many things that can be legitimately requested, yet their major focus is for God — Pray God. Somehow they have the understanding that if God intervenes everything would be all right. Could it be that this is the very source of their contentment?

Paul saw in the vision the man from Macedonia calling “come help us” (Acts 16:9). This he determined to be God’s instructions to go there. He responded to a call for help, and I think that we, today, have heard a call for help and it is to this we respond. We are careful to recognize that our response cannot be only to preach the Word, in this regard, but also, to help out in some tangible ways. The Apostle John advises. “…let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18).

Just before leaving Kisii, therefore, Renee and I purchased food stuff for the children's home. We did not have a lot of money available and was somewhat apologetic. But we were pleasantly surprised with the large quantity of stuff that was purchase with less than one hundred US dollars. Because of the 96 KES to 1 USD exchange rate, any financial support given would be meaningful.

We truly thank Almighty God for this awesome privilege to partner with Him to minister, and be a blessing, to the people of Gucha, Kisii in Kenya, East Africa.

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